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Aliannsa Mobile Application

SunNet portfolio includes Aliannsa's mobile application for a spanish translation program.

A medical Spanish translation program designed to help bridge the communication gap between professionals in the medical field and their Spanish speaking patients. Not sure how to ask your patient if they are experiencing pain? Just type in your phrase or keyword and let the translation begin. You can either read it out loud to your patient or play the prerecorded audio clip.

Application Features:

Navigation: Quickly navigate to your desired translation by entering full phrases or key word

Audio: Pre-recorded clips allow you to communicate instantly with your patient or practice on your own at your leisure with built in pronunciations

Specialized Editions: Whether you’re a nurse, doctor or a therapist you can search for your specialized translation app

Table of Contents: All phrases and terms are organized under a category library for quick and easy searching


  • Para

    Improves patient-medical provider by bridging communication gap

  • Para

    Immediate language translation

  • Para

    Built in pronunciation guide to help you practice your medical terms in Spanish